Kipapa Elementary School Home

School News

Mililani Middle School Summer Program Featured Photo

Mililani Middle School Summer Program

July 15-19, 2024 or July 22-26, 2024
8:00 AM - 12:15 PM Daily
Activities in:
-ELA/Social Studies
-Physical Education
-Social and Emotional Learning
Preschool Open Doors Featured Photo

Preschool Open Doors

Need help paying for Preschool? Click on the news heading above for more information about PATCH's Preschool Open Doors Program.

Our Mission

Positive and safe learning environment
Respectful, responsible citizens
Independent lifelong learners
Dedicated and caring community
Excellence for our future
Moving Forward with a Caring Heart!
Imua with Aloha!
Established in 1932
1 of 7 schools in Mililani
Serving the community for 90 years