Science Resources

Science Support Programs
This presentation is an overview of the concepts covered in fourth grade science. Studying this presentation will help you prepare for the Hawaii Standardized Science Assessment. 
Physics: Energy  and Energy Transfer
This game will teach students how the incline of a ramp and the weight of a vehicle affects the distance and speed that it travels. 
This game will teach students that different materials create different amounts of friction that affect the distance and speed of an object. 
Wave On A String
This game will simulate the way a piece of string will react when energy is applied to it. Using this simulation, students will be able to figure out how to change the amplitude and wavelength of a wave.
Wave Interference
This game will simulate the way waves are created and how they interact with other waves or other objects that they run into. Using this simulation, students will be able to figure out how waves can be manipulated.
Static E
This game will simulate the way static electricity works by showing the transfer of electrons.
This game will simulate the way photons of light affect different molecules found in nature.
This game allows students to experiment with different electrical components to build their own circuits.
Windmill Lab
This game allows students to experiment with building windmills that will power homes.
Biology: Structures of Organisms
Build A Bird
This game allows students to choose a habitat and build a bird that is most likely to survive there.
Skeletal System
This game will teach students about the human skeletal system and the names of different bones.
Mrs. Tateyama's Science Links
This website was built by NASA and includes fun activities that challenge students to use their thinking skills to solve real world problems. 
Steve Spangler
This website is full of fun science experiment demonstrations that children can reproduce at home.
Exploratorium Tinker
Exploratorium Tinkering Projects are projects that encourage children to "think with their hands" with items that they already have around the house.
Exploratorium Snacks
Exploratorium Science Snacks are teacher-tested scientific exploration activities that children can conduct at home with inexpensive materials.